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Priestory prešli pravdepodobne v rokoch 1927-1929 prebudovaním na väzenské cely, ktoré vtedy zriadil v kaštieli sídliaci okresný súd. Priečkami bol predelený pôvodný renesančno-barokový priestor stĺpovej siene a vytvorilo sa 5 väzenských ciel. Ich základné vybavenie – dvere s otvorom na pozorovanie väzňa, železné piecky s dvierkami na chodbe sa zachovali dodnes. Ďalšie miestnosti slúžili neskôr aj ako byty pre občanov mesta, či zamestnancov úradov sídliacich na hrade až do  2. svetovej vojny a istý čas aj po nej. Keď do historického objektu hradu po desaťročiach užívania Medikou š.p.prišlo v  roku 1992  múzeum, vytvorilo tu svoje technické zázemie a skladové priestory.

Between 1927 and 1929, the manor-house was probably rebuilt to a jail established by the District Courtlocated then in the castle. The originally Renaissance-Baroque Column Hall was divided by partition walls to five jail-cells. Thedoors of the cellswith a slot that allowed the prisoner to be observed from the outside and the iron stoves with the doorsoutside in the hallwayhave been preserved to this day. The other premises had later been used as apartments for local citizens or personnel of the offices residing in the castle before World War II, and for some time even after the war. For several decades, the historical premises of the castle had been used by Medika State Company. The Museum took the castle over in 1992 and established its technical and storage facilities there.

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